# Email files
# Requires Powershell Version 5.1 or higher check with $PSVersionTable
$FolderTarget = '\\SomeFolder'
$FolderMove = "\\SomeFolder\Move"
$emailFrom = "from@domain.com"
$emailTo = "tosomeone@domain.com"
$emailSubjectPrefex = "Prefex note: "
$emailBodyPrefex = "Prefex Body: "
$smtpServerName = "smtp.domain.com"
$smtpServerPort = "25"
# Get files in Target Folder
$files = (get-childitem $FolderTarget)
# Loop through the list of files and send email
$files|ForEach-Object {
# Select only PDF files
if ($_.Extension -eq '.pdf') {
$MessageHash = @{
from = $emailFrom
to = $emailTo
subject = $emailSubjectPrefex + $_.BaseName
smtpserver = $smtpServerName
port = $smtpServerPort
attachments = $_.fullname
body = $emailBodyPrefex + $_.BaseName
Send-MailMessage $MessageHash
# Move file to folder and add timestamp
$ToFolder = $FolderMove + "\" + $_.BaseName + "-" `
+ $($(Get-Date -Format yymmddhhmmss-fff)) + ".pdf"
Move-Item $_.FullName $ToFolder
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